Managing and Supervising Crowded Spaces and Antisocial Environments
This module is designed for people who need to plan the occupancy of high-density spaces during events. Managing the crowded space is seen as a complex activity, but much of the theory and practice is based on simple concepts. Once these concepts are understood, the organization of such activities becomes more planned and proactive, allowing better control over the course of the event.
This course is intended for professionals who work with, or plan around, crowds at events. Most events where crowds are a problem take place in anti-social environments with a lot of noise, in close proximity to others and in different environments, both indoors and outdoors.
After completing this course, you will understand the basics of managing the crowded space and the theory and practical applications, which may change depending on the environment.
- Understand what is involved in planning high-density areas (events, infrastructures accessible to the public, etc.)
- Develop the ability to analyse the built environment and possible layouts to avoid high-risk congestion situations (‘safety by design’ approach).
- Integrate the spatial characteristics of a site to be exploited into the definition of a power and safety management plan.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Crowd Dynamics – Principles of Crowd Science
The success of large events lies in the ability of the organizers to manage the space in which participants gather. Crowd management practices are based on scientific theories to anticipate predictable behavior and steer it in a direction favorable to the smooth running of the event. This module covers the many scientific approaches to crowds, such as the psychology of crowds and the logic of human interaction, as well as the mobility approach and flow modeling to optimize space occupancy.
- Understanding what a crowd is and identifying the logic of collective behavior.
- To understand current scientific knowledge on crowd psychology, the sociology of collective action, and urban planning.
- Reflect on crowd dynamics and draw lessons from them for public safety management.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Crowd Dynamics – Planning & Management – Crowd Modelling
After the essential basic theoretical requirement on the concept of crowds, this module covers the methods and techniques of crowd management in the context of events or large-scale demonstrations. The module is primarily intended for people who are responsible for managing reception and security at events. It is also open to others who want to identify the key elements of a crowd management plan and thus be better able to determine its suitability for a specific event.
- Identifying the Right Methods and Tools for Effective Crowd Management
- Learn the basics of crowd planning and public safety management in a busy environment
- Learn how to create a crowd management plan adapted to the characteristics of an event
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Scenario-Based Event Planning
The programme focuses on the main principles of crowd management and science and how they are applied in different situations. Elements such as on-site briefings and team briefings are conducted in real-time. The event and planning stages are tested in class. Issues are brought into the scenario and are the focus of group planning activities. You’ll focus on best practices and on-the-spot troubleshooting through a critical analysis of a range of issues that arise during the scenario.
The purpose of this module is to test an existing event plan for all kinds of plausible scenarios. This is an essential step in safety and prevention to check whether the plan is ‘bulletproof’ and will also hold up in the event of a disaster. In addition, we demonstrate how certain scenarios can also be tested live and encourage them to go beyond simulating an evacuation exercise.
This module covers both the preparation and execution phases of a simulated event, culminating in a post-mortem to evaluate the decisions and actions taken.
- Develop practical skills from theoretical engagement and have practiced them in a classroom scenario environment
- Applying Planning Skills in Classroom Scenarios
- Understand knowledge of decision-making processes and use them in classroom activities.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Crowd Management During Evacuation, Invacuation or Lockdown
Event organizers face threats such as fire, malicious threats, natural disasters, and the threat of terrorism on a daily basis, which may force them to evacuate or secure attendees in internal areas of the venue (evacuation). This module covers a range of elements related to this type of situation, including regulatory requirements, contingency management planning, the assignment of roles and responsibilities, and the management of resources available for operational purposes.
- Be familiar with evacuation rules and standards for events open to the public and create a strategy for dealing with this type of situation.
- Understanding the Logic of Planning Evacuation and Evacuation Measures for an Event
- Learn how to set up an evacuation management procedure, from the decision-making process to the structure for conducting on-site operations
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

The Rise of Event Technology and Cybercrime Awareness for Large Events
This module looks at the resources that new technologies offer in the organization of events. The focus is on the importance of managing the data generated by technologies (ticketing systems, counting systems, video observation systems, etc.) and the growing expectations of the public in terms of transparent use of the information collected to improve their event experience. The use of emerging technologies to improve the operational and logistical aspects of the organization of events, as well as reception and safety of visitors, can significantly improve the experience, but are not without risk. We debunk the practices of cybercriminals in the interest of business continuity.
- Understanding the challenges of current technological developments and their impact on the event industry
- Analyze the integration of technology solutions as new tools for event planning
- Assess the relevance of current and evolving technologies to the future development of event management
- Understanding the methods of cybercriminals and the risks of a cybersecurity breach
- Being able to plan for business continuity of large events and mitigate alternative solutions
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Counter-Terrorism and Strategies to Protect Crowds at Events
Taking into account the fight against terrorism and strategies for protecting audiences at events in high-density areas is an ongoing requirement for event professionals. Integrating safety measures into a safety and flow management approach is an important factor in the success of an event. This module is designed for event professionals who are involved in the planning, management, and organization of events with multiple partners. The module covers key concepts of international terrorism, the recent history of crowd-inflicted attacks, current threats to events, and protective security planning that can minimize, control, and mitigate threats.
- Becoming aware of the current terrorist threats
- Understand the current attack methods and their impact on the systems in place
- Understanding the Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Process
- Apply a safety and security planning cycle to events to minimize, manage, and mitigate risk.
- Research, apply, and practice key concepts through a realistic case study.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Event Team Management and Leadership
Event management is a complex activity for which there are few methods. This module helps organisers and those responsible for hospitality and security to understand the concepts of leadership and the associated team management skills in the events sector. This also includes conveying new challenges in order to obtain maximum team response. Recognizing and using diverse leadership styles are essential. This module also focuses on how and what to document and report in order to underpin a long-term vision.
- Understanding the General Logic of Organizing an Event
- Define the roles and missions of a reception and security service
- Learn how to effectively lead a team responsible for the reception and security of an event.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Safe and Sustainable Event Management
This module provides both the theoretical context and the practical application to the operational aspects of planning and organizing events according to sustainability principles. In reality, sustainability and safety can work against each other. The aim is to provide both strategic and operational event professionals throughout the organization with key concepts and principles that can support current thinking and practice in the event industry. The degree focuses primarily on the environmental and social impacts of each aspect of event management, although the economic impacts are also part of the context. Operational issues that affect the environmental sustainability of the operation and safety aspects of a venue and the events that take place there are addressed. It looks at key areas such as transport, waste, energy, food, water and procurement, using case studies to assess good and bad practice in the sector.
- Understand theories and models of sustainability related to events and event management.
- Demonstrate knowledge and application of recognized management systems currently used in the events industry
- Understand environmental practices and impacts within the events industry.
- Be familiar with the different aspects of legislation related to the organisation of events and develop an approach in terms of the “duty of care”.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Risk Analysis for Large Venues and Mass Events
This module provides participants with the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out a risk assessment in relation to their role in the organisation. Rather than advocating a uniform, prescriptive approach to risk assessment, this course aims to teach a risk assessment methodology based on concrete, applied cases to translate theories of risk management into the operational practice of event management.
- Analysing and assessing standard risks in the events sector
- Develop the ability to analyze the characteristics of an event in order to anticipate potential risk situations
- Learn event risk assessment methods and develop strategies for the operational management of risk situations.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Crisis Management and Measures in Emergency Situations
Using practical examples and scenarios, this module provides participants with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to respond to the threats and vulnerabilities that cause crises and teach them how to plan, prepare and respond to emergency scenarios and identified risks.
- Identify the types of incidents that can affect the organization of an event.
- Understanding the logic of emergency and crisis management for an event
- Learn how to create an emergency and crisis management plan adapted to the characteristics of an event.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.

Legal Aspects of Event Management
This module aims to provide a foundation in the responsibility aspects and current legislation applicable in the field of event security. The module is designed for anyone involved in organizing events, whether in strategic or operational functions. Although the focus is on Swiss law, the relevant legislation and cases from other European countries are discussed to put the approach in a more general context. The state of events in the field of event security is also covered in this module, through reports, guides, reference or normative documents that define the professional standards and good practices in the sector at national and international level.
- Be familiar with the different aspects of legislation related to the organisation of events and develop an approach in terms of the “duty of care”.
- Reflect on the changes affecting the organization of events with the transition from a “no fault / no liability” approach to a scenario of seeking “strict liability”.
- Be in a position to assume one’s responsibilities as an organizer with full knowledge of the facts, and make trade-offs to reduce tensions between safety and profit, and identify the boundaries of individual responsibility.
Contact us for additional information about future dates and locations regarding this module.