Just like every participant and event professional who commits to this curriculum, we want to achieve a number of objectives with this educational program that underpin the new skills acquired:

Objective #1 – Participants demonstrate a practical understanding of the nature of their field in terms of crowd management, event safety, security and risk management. How to achieve the organization’s goals and how it affects the ways in which individuals and groups communicate and interact with each other.
Objective #2 – Determine the nature of problems and challenges that arise in the work environment of crowd management, event safety, security and risk management and formulate effective means to solve them.

Objective #3 – Demonstrate adequate approaches in managing teams, issues, and event and security planning cycles, given the changing dynamics of the market.
Objective #4 – Demonstrate the ways in which contingent work supports and manages change in emergencies and crises.

Objective #5 – Outline a set of communication methods, both in normal and crisis situations, within their organizations and analyze the pros and cons of each method.
Objective #6 – Demonstrate a practical understanding of the relationship between theory and practice in the environment of crowd management, event safety, security and risk management and how the workplace can support their learning.