The programme initially created by Chris Kemp was embraced by Pascal Viot, who have been running the certification for many years now across the UK and Switzerland. Their remarkable approach and dedication to fullfill the Erasmus+ Safe Project has lead to the development of a broader and crossfunctional professional education programme and certification in a european context.
The Belgian leg of this team consists of Coralie Berael and Frank Desmet who made this expert programme available for the Belgian and European market. For each module and the purpose of the exercises related to real life case studies, they will be joined by several (inter)national guest presentors, each in their own field of expertise. Their biography will be shared with you in our newsletters prior to each training session.
Coralie is founder of Long Live The Crowd, an engagement inspired by the professional certification program she attended in 2017 at Mind Over Matter (UK) and by her involvement in Live2020 solidarity fund.
She is part of the executive management committee for Belgian Venues Group; Forest National has been her second home since 2010. She is part of the Programming Board for the Yourope Event Safety Group and an active member of European Arenas Association.
As a geographer (KU Leuven), use of space and organization in a safe and sustainable environment as well as socio-economic aspects of our society are a real concern. During corona closure, she took the opportunity to pursue a postgraduate degree in Sustainable Business Management & Leadership at Cambridge University (UK).
Recent terrorist & cyber attacks, the pandemic and the energy crisis, emphasized the importance for event industry (music and sports) of working on becoming less vulnerable and more resilient in terms of crowd safety, security and sustainability for large gatherings and future events.

Pascal is Head of Safety, Security and Services at Paleo Festival, the largest Festival event in Switzerland. A passionate sociologist and researcher (EPFL, Lausanne) in risk and urban safety analysis, he has developed emergency and crisis management plans for major concerts/events. Pascal is a regular consultant for Events organisers and Institutions in Switzerland and across Europe.
He created iSSUE (the Institut Suisse de Sécurité Urbaine et Evenementiel, based in Geneva) in 2016 and rolled out the professional certification program in 2017. He also coordinates the YES Group (Yourope Event Safety Group) together with Henrik Bondo Nielsen (Roskilde Festival) which brings together more than 80 festivals to hold seminars on safety and crowd management across Europe.
Chris is CEO of MOM – Mind over Matter (UK) and is considered one of the world’s leading experts on event safety. He is the author of numerous books on the subject and was also one of the first to organize university courses on event safety and crowd management in the UK.
Renowned Professor of Public Policy at Edinburgh Napier University, Chris also leads consultancy for the British Grand Prix Formula One and training projects, notably for the NAA (National Arena Association – UK), Wembley Stadium and the O2 Arena in London and the Roskilde Festival (Denmark).
In 2015, he received the Excellence and Passion Award from the European Festival Awards for his work on security and crowd management in Europe over the past 20 years.
His dedication to mass events has been exemplary and a true inspiration for this education programme.

As Managing Director of FD Center Of Excellence and Data Protection Officer, Frank is the driving force behind Long Live the Crowd and particularly concerned with cybercrime and privacy policies that confront not only municipal authorities and institutions but also cultural and sports centers. He endeavours to raise awareness across many businesses and suppliers who are faced with sensitive business continuity challenges.
In addition, he was Chairman of Volley Vlaams-Brabant for many years, National Competition Leader for Top Volley Belgium and co-director of Volley Vlaanderen, the association responsible for the smooth running of all sports events and tournaments and development of sports infrastructure (in particular the Euro Volley Center in Vilvoorde), supervisor of National and European (CEV) competitions.